My aim in this post is to show you how to simulate the spread of a disease in Julia. This simulates large networks, has various customisation options and allows you to run many simulations in a batch.
To run your own simulations, the functions needed can be sourced from:
Everyone in the network has 4 levels of connection: this goes from their inner circle to their outer circle. The user can set the number and strength of connections at each of the 4 levels, with the default values roughly reflecting Dunbar layers (5, 15, 40, 90). The likelihood of a person infecting someone is proportional to the strength of their connection.
The network assumes that people are more likely to know the connections of their own closest connections than they are a person selected at random. How true this is can be adjusted with the "proportion_shared" network parameter.
Everyone in the network has the same number of connections at each level (this is clearly not a reflection of the real world!) For example, person 1 might have 4 strongest connections, 16 next strongest, then 35 3rd strongest and 100 weak connections. And everyone else in the network would have the same number of connections at each strength level.
By itself network is an undirected network. When disease is spreading it's a directed network (or "graph") as it transmits from one person to another.
# Total number of people in network net_size = 100000 # Size and weight of infection chance for each level of someone's network dunbar1 = 5 dunbar2 = 15 dunbar3 = 40 dunbar4 = 90 dweight1 = 10.0 dweight2 = 4.0 dweight3 = 2.0 dweight4 = 1.0 # How many connections will the average person share with all their # closest (dunbar1) connections? proportion_shared = 0.500.5
Who in the network starts immune is determined by picking a number of people in the network at random, then "spreading" the immunity from them, similar to the way disease is spread. This continues until the specified proportion of people are immune.
There are two parameters which determine how clustered immunity is in the network: cluster strength and cluster link multiplier.
Cluster strength is the proportion of people in the network who are picked at random as immune, before the immunity is spread. For example, a value of 0.01 in a network of 1000 would mean that 10 people are picked at random. A smaller value means immunity is more clustered.
Cluster link multiplier determines the proportion of their connections an immune person will "infect" with immunity. A value of 1 means that between a third and a half of all their connections will be made immune. A larger value means immunity is more clustered.
Apart from "iters", these should all be arrays in Julia. Every combination of the inputs will be simulated n times (where n = iters).
cluster_strength = [0.0001, 0.01, 0.3] initial_cases = [50] # number of people infected at start days_vals = [6] # number of days someone is infectious for population_start_immune = [0.6] # % of population who are immune at start of simulation r_values = [3.2] # r0 value of disease spread iters = 100 # number of simulations for each input combination cluster_link_multiplier = [0.05, 0.3, 1.5] """"
# Loading functions path = string(homedir(), "/Documents/Julia/main_simulation.jl") include(path) using Plots, StatsPlots, PlotThemes # Initialise network net = initialise_network(net_size = net_size, dunbar1 = dunbar1, dunbar2 = dunbar2, dunbar3 = dunbar3, dunbar4 = dunbar4, dweight1 = dweight1, dweight2 = dweight2, dweight3 = dweight3, dweight4 = dweight4, proportion_shared = proportion_shared, verbose = false)Network created: object size = 305Mb; has 100000 people
The network is stored as a dictionary, with each individual being a dictionary within that dictionary. Their connections and strengths of connections are stored as arrays, alongside their status.
# viewing first few connections for person 1 println(net["1"]["conn"][1:5])[4225, 99589, 30244, 2270, 46349]
# Strength of those connections println(net["1"]["strength"][1:5])[10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0]
# Person 1's status println(net["1"]["status"])healthy
output, days_mat = sim_spread_mult(net = net, cluster_strength = cluster_strength, initial_cases = initial_cases, days_vals = days_vals, population_start_immune = population_start_immune, iters = iters, r_values = r_values, dunbar1 = dunbar1, dunbar2 = dunbar2, dunbar3 = dunbar3, dunbar4 = dunbar4, dweight1 = dweight1, dweight2 = dweight2, dweight3 = dweight3, dweight4 = dweight4, verbose = false, cluster_link_multiplier = cluster_link_multiplier, return_days = true) """"
The above gives us two objects:
output: a summary array with a line for each simulation.
days_mat: an array with a row for each simulation, and a column for the number of new cases in each simulated day.
output[1:4, :]
4×8 Array{Float64,2}: 0.0001 3.2 0.6 50.0 6.0 0.05 0.410325 143.0 0.0001 3.2 0.6 50.0 6.0 0.05 0.424725 133.0 0.0001 3.2 0.6 50.0 6.0 0.05 0.3919 153.0 0.0001 3.2 0.6 50.0 6.0 0.05 0.397975 155.0
The first 6 columns in the above refer to the input parameters cluster strength (first immunity clustering parameter), r0 value, % population immune at start, number of cases at start, days people are infectious for and cluster link multiplier (second immunity clustering parameter).
The final 2 columns represent:
(1) the proportion of the non-immune population who became infected
(2) the length of the outbreak before it ended (number of days)
Viewing daily new cases for the first four simulations
a = days_mat[1, :] b = days_mat[2, :] c = days_mat[3, :] d = days_mat[4, :] i = maximum(vcat(findall(a .> 0), findall(b .> 0), findall(c .> 0), findall(d .> 0))) plot(hcat(a[1:i], b[1:i], c[1:i], d[1:i]), ylabel = "New cases per day", xlabel = "Days", title = "New cases daily, each line is a different simulation", legend = nothing)
Viewing distributions of total infections for most and least clustered cases: how different are they?
csmax = minimum(cluster_strength) cmax = maximum(cluster_link_multiplier) csmin = maximum(cluster_strength) cmin = minimum(cluster_link_multiplier) ix = output[:, 1] .== csmax outmax = output[ix, :] ix = outmax[:, 6] .== cmax outmax = outmax[ix, :] ix = output[:, 1] .== csmin outmin = output[ix, :] ix = outmin[:, 6] .== cmin outmin = outmin[ix, :] violin(["Most clustered" "Least clustered"], hcat(outmax[:, 7], outmin[:, 7]), ylabel = "Proportion of non-immune population infected", title = "Distribution of non-immune population infected", legend = nothing)